Friday, September 21, 2012

Apple's new iOS 6 map inaccuracies

Inaccuracies and misplaced towns and cities in Apple's new map software have provoked anger from users.

In June Apple announced it would stop using Google Maps in favour of its own system, created using data from navigation firm TomTom and others.Apple is yet to comment on the complaints about the software, which comes already installed on the new iPhone.TomTom said it provided only data and was not responsible for how it worked. The software is packaged with iOS6, the latest version of Apple's operating system, which runs on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

Berlin on Antarctica

Previously, the system had an app running mapping software from Google. But users are now forced to use Apple's new maps once they upgrade or buy the latest iPhone - which goes on sale on Friday. There is not currently a Google Maps app available in Apple's App Store, although Google's system is still accessible via the phone's web browser. (BBC)

Starbucks on the road
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